Source code for ribs.archives._cqd_score_result

"""Provides CQDScoreResult."""
import dataclasses
import typing

import numpy as np

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class CQDScoreResult: """Stores the result of running :meth:`~ArchiveBase.cqd_score`.""" #: Number of times the score was computed. iterations: int #: The mean score. This is the result most users will need. mean: float #: Array of scores obtained on each iteration. scores: np.ndarray #: (iterations, n, measure_dim) array of target points used in the #: computation. If the user passed in an array of target_points, this #: will be a copy of that array. target_points: np.ndarray #: 1D array of penalties used in the computation. If the user passed in an #: array of penalties, this will be a copy of that array. penalties: np.ndarray #: Minimum objective passed into the method. obj_min: float #: Maximum objective passed into the method. obj_max: float #: Max distance passed into the method, or the one that was computed based #: on measure space bounds. dist_max: float #: Order of the norm for distance which is passed into the method. Refer to #: the ``ord`` argument in :func:`numpy.linalg.norm` for type info. dist_ord: typing.Any