Source code for ribs.emitters.opt._cma_es

"""Implementation of CMA-ES that can be used across various emitters.

Adapted from Nikolaus Hansen's pycma:
import warnings

import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from threadpoolctl import threadpool_limits

from ribs._utils import readonly
from ribs.emitters.opt._evolution_strategy_base import (

class DecompMatrix:
    """Maintains a covariance matrix and its eigendecomposition.

    CMA-ES requires the inverse square root of the covariance matrix in order to
    sample new solutions from a multivariate normal distribution. However,
    calculating the inverse square root is an O(n^3) operation because an
    eigendecomposition is involved. (n is the dimensionality of the search
    space). To amortize the operation to O(n^2) and avoid recomputing, this
    class maintains the inverse square root and waits several evals before
    recomputing the inverse square root.

        dimension (int): Size of the (square) covariance matrix.
        dtype (str or data-type): Data type of the matrix, typically np.float32
            or np.float64.

    def __init__(self, dimension, dtype):
        self.cov = np.eye(dimension, dtype=dtype)
        self.eigenbasis = np.eye(dimension, dtype=dtype)
        self.eigenvalues = np.ones((dimension,), dtype=dtype)
        self.condition_number = 1
        self.invsqrt = np.eye(dimension, dtype=dtype)  # C^(-1/2)
        self.dtype = dtype

        # The last evaluation on which the eigensystem was updated.
        self.updated_eval = 0

    def update_eigensystem(self, current_eval, lazy_gap_evals):
        """Updates the covariance matrix if lazy_gap_evals have passed.

        We have attempted to use numba in this method, but since np.linalg.eigh
        is the bottleneck, and it is already implemented in BLAS or LAPACK,
        numba does not help much (and actually slows things down a bit).

            current_eval (int): The number of solutions the optimizer has
                evaluated so far.
            lazy_gap_evals (int): The number of evaluations to wait between
                covariance matrix updates.
        if current_eval <= self.updated_eval + lazy_gap_evals:

        # Force symmetry.
        self.cov = np.maximum(self.cov, self.cov.T)

        # Note: eigh returns float64, so we must cast it.
        self.eigenvalues, self.eigenbasis = np.linalg.eigh(self.cov)
        self.eigenvalues = np.abs(self.eigenvalues)
        self.eigenvalues = self.eigenvalues.real.astype(self.dtype)
        self.eigenbasis = self.eigenbasis.real.astype(self.dtype)
        self.condition_number = (np.max(self.eigenvalues) /
        self.invsqrt = (self.eigenbasis *
                        (1 / np.sqrt(self.eigenvalues))) @ self.eigenbasis.T

        # Force symmetry.
        self.invsqrt = np.maximum(self.invsqrt, self.invsqrt.T)

        self.updated_eval = current_eval

[docs]class CMAEvolutionStrategy(EvolutionStrategyBase): """CMA-ES optimizer for use with emitters. Refer to :class:`EvolutionStrategyBase` for usage instruction. Args: sigma0 (float): Initial step size. batch_size (int): Number of solutions to evaluate at a time. If None, we calculate a default batch size based on solution_dim. solution_dim (int): Size of the solution space. seed (int): Seed for the random number generator. dtype (str or data-type): Data type of solutions. lower_bounds (float or np.ndarray): scalar or (solution_dim,) array indicating lower bounds of the solution space. Scalars specify the same bound for the entire space, while arrays specify a bound for each dimension. Pass -np.inf in the array or scalar to indicated unbounded space. upper_bounds (float or np.ndarray): Same as above, but for upper bounds (and pass np.inf instead of -np.inf). """ def __init__( # pylint: disable = super-init-not-called self, sigma0, solution_dim, batch_size=None, seed=None, dtype=np.float64, lower_bounds=-np.inf, upper_bounds=np.inf): self.batch_size = (4 + int(3 * np.log(solution_dim)) if batch_size is None else batch_size) self.sigma0 = sigma0 self.solution_dim = solution_dim self.dtype = dtype # Even scalars must be converted into 0-dim arrays so that they work # with the bound check in numba. self.lower_bounds = np.asarray(lower_bounds, dtype=self.dtype) self.upper_bounds = np.asarray(upper_bounds, dtype=self.dtype) self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self._solutions = None # Calculate gap between covariance matrix updates. num_parents = self.batch_size // 2 *_, c1, cmu = self._calc_strat_params(num_parents) self.lazy_gap_evals = (0.5 * self.solution_dim * self.batch_size * (c1 + cmu)**-1 / self.solution_dim**2) # Strategy-specific params -> initialized in reset(). self.current_eval = None self.mean = None self.sigma = None self.pc = None = None self.cov = None
[docs] def reset(self, x0): self.current_eval = 0 self.sigma = self.sigma0 self.mean = np.array(x0, self.dtype) # Setup evolution path variables. self.pc = np.zeros(self.solution_dim, dtype=self.dtype) = np.zeros(self.solution_dim, dtype=self.dtype) # Setup the covariance matrix. self.cov = DecompMatrix(self.solution_dim, self.dtype)
[docs] def check_stop(self, ranking_values): # Tolerances from pycma CMA-ES. if self.cov.condition_number > 1e14: return True # Area of distribution too small. area = self.sigma * np.sqrt(np.max(self.cov.eigenvalues)) if area < 1e-11: return True # Fitness is too flat (only applies if there are at least 2 parents). # NOTE: We use norm here because we may have multiple ranking values. if (len(ranking_values) >= 2 and np.linalg.norm(ranking_values[0] - ranking_values[-1]) < 1e-12): return True return False
@staticmethod @nb.jit(nopython=True) def _transform_and_check_sol(unscaled_params, transform_mat, mean, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): """Numba helper for transforming parameters to the solution space. Numba is important here since we may be resampling multiple times. """ solutions = ((transform_mat @ unscaled_params.T).T + np.expand_dims(mean, axis=0)) out_of_bounds = np.logical_or( solutions < np.expand_dims(lower_bounds, axis=0), solutions > np.expand_dims(upper_bounds, axis=0), ) return solutions, out_of_bounds # Limit OpenBLAS to single thread. This is typically faster than # multithreading because our data is too small.
[docs] @threadpool_limits.wrap(limits=1, user_api="blas") def ask(self, batch_size=None): if batch_size is None: batch_size = self.batch_size self._solutions = np.empty((batch_size, self.solution_dim), dtype=self.dtype) self.cov.update_eigensystem(self.current_eval, self.lazy_gap_evals) transform_mat = self.cov.eigenbasis * np.sqrt(self.cov.eigenvalues) # Resampling method for bound constraints -> sample new solutions until # all solutions are within bounds. remaining_indices = np.arange(batch_size) sampling_itrs = 0 while len(remaining_indices) > 0: unscaled_params = self._rng.normal( 0.0, self.sigma, (len(remaining_indices), self.solution_dim), ).astype(self.dtype) new_solutions, out_of_bounds = self._transform_and_check_sol( unscaled_params, transform_mat, self.mean, self.lower_bounds, self.upper_bounds) self._solutions[remaining_indices] = new_solutions # Find indices in remaining_indices that are still out of bounds # (out_of_bounds indicates whether each value in each solution is # out of bounds). remaining_indices = remaining_indices[np.any(out_of_bounds, axis=1)] # Warn if we have resampled too many times. sampling_itrs += 1 if sampling_itrs > BOUNDS_SAMPLING_THRESHOLD: warnings.warn(BOUNDS_WARNING) return readonly(self._solutions)
def _calc_strat_params(self, num_parents): """Calculates weights, mueff, and learning rates for CMA-ES.""" # Create fresh weights for the number of parents found. weights = (np.log(num_parents + 0.5) - np.log(np.arange(1, num_parents + 1))) total_weights = np.sum(weights) weights = weights / total_weights # Note: Since `weights` changes on the line above, np.sum(weights) # is NOT the same as total_weights. mueff = np.sum(weights)**2 / np.sum(weights**2) # Dynamically update these strategy-specific parameters. cc = ((4 + mueff / self.solution_dim) / (self.solution_dim + 4 + 2 * mueff / self.solution_dim)) cs = (mueff + 2) / (self.solution_dim + mueff + 5) c1 = 2 / ((self.solution_dim + 1.3)**2 + mueff) cmu = min( 1 - c1, 2 * (mueff - 2 + 1 / mueff) / ((self.solution_dim + 2)**2 + mueff), ) return weights, mueff, cc, cs, c1, cmu @staticmethod @nb.jit(nopython=True) def _calc_cov_update(cov, c1a, cmu, c1, pc, sigma, rank_mu_update, weights): """Calculates covariance matrix update.""" rank_one_update = c1 * np.outer(pc, pc) return (cov * (1 - c1a - cmu * np.sum(weights)) + rank_one_update * c1 + rank_mu_update * cmu / (sigma**2)) # Limit OpenBLAS to single thread. This is typically faster than # multithreading because our data is too small.
[docs] @threadpool_limits.wrap(limits=1, user_api="blas") def tell(self, ranking_indices, ranking_values, num_parents): self.current_eval += len(self._solutions[ranking_indices]) if num_parents == 0: return parents = self._solutions[ranking_indices][:num_parents] weights, mueff, cc, cs, c1, cmu = self._calc_strat_params(num_parents) damps = (1 + 2 * max( 0, np.sqrt((mueff - 1) / (self.solution_dim + 1)) - 1, ) + cs) # Recombination of the new mean. old_mean = self.mean self.mean = np.sum(parents * np.expand_dims(weights, axis=1), axis=0) # Update the evolution path. y = self.mean - old_mean z = np.matmul(self.cov.invsqrt, y) = ((1 - cs) * + (np.sqrt(cs * (2 - cs) * mueff) / self.sigma) * z) left = (np.sum(np.square( / self.solution_dim / (1 - (1 - cs)**(2 * self.current_eval / self.batch_size))) right = 2 + 4. / (self.solution_dim + 1) hsig = 1 if left < right else 0 self.pc = ((1 - cc) * self.pc + hsig * np.sqrt(cc * (2 - cc) * mueff) * y) # Adapt the covariance matrix. ys = parents - np.expand_dims(old_mean, axis=0) weighted_ys = ys * np.expand_dims(weights, axis=1) # Equivalent to calculating the outer product of each ys[i] with itself # and taking a weighted sum of the outer products. rank_mu_update = np.einsum("ki,kj", weighted_ys, ys) c1a = c1 * (1 - (1 - hsig**2) * cc * (2 - cc)) self.cov.cov = self._calc_cov_update(self.cov.cov, c1a, cmu, c1, self.pc, self.sigma, rank_mu_update, weights) # Update sigma. cn, sum_square_ps = cs / damps, np.sum(np.square( self.sigma *= np.exp( min(1, cn * (sum_square_ps / self.solution_dim - 1) / 2))