Source code for ribs.emitters.opt._lm_ma_es

"""Implementation of LM-MA-ES that can be used across various emitters.

Adapted from Nikolaus Hansen's pycma:
import warnings

import numba as nb
import numpy as np

from ribs._utils import readonly
from ribs.emitters.opt._evolution_strategy_base import (

[docs]class LMMAEvolutionStrategy(EvolutionStrategyBase): """LM-MA-ES optimizer for use with emitters. Refer to :class:`EvolutionStrategyBase` for usage instruction. Args: sigma0 (float): Initial step size. batch_size (int): Number of solutions to evaluate at a time. If None, we calculate a default batch size based on solution_dim. solution_dim (int): Size of the solution space. seed (int): Seed for the random number generator. dtype (str or data-type): Data type of solutions. lower_bounds (float or np.ndarray): scalar or (solution_dim,) array indicating lower bounds of the solution space. Scalars specify the same bound for the entire space, while arrays specify a bound for each dimension. Pass -np.inf in the array or scalar to indicated unbounded space. upper_bounds (float or np.ndarray): Same as above, but for upper bounds (and pass np.inf instead of -np.inf). n_vectors (int): Number of vectors to use in the approximation. If None, this defaults to be equal to the batch size. """ def __init__( # pylint: disable = super-init-not-called self, sigma0, solution_dim, batch_size=None, seed=None, dtype=np.float64, lower_bounds=-np.inf, upper_bounds=np.inf, n_vectors=None): self.batch_size = (4 + int(3 * np.log(solution_dim)) if batch_size is None else batch_size) self.sigma0 = sigma0 self.solution_dim = solution_dim self.dtype = dtype # Even scalars must be converted into 0-dim arrays so that they work # with the bound check in numba. self.lower_bounds = np.asarray(lower_bounds, dtype=self.dtype) self.upper_bounds = np.asarray(upper_bounds, dtype=self.dtype) self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self._solutions = None if self.batch_size > self.solution_dim: raise ValueError(f"batch_size ({self.batch_size}) is greater than" f" solution_dim ({self.solution_dim})") self.n_vectors = self.batch_size if n_vectors is None else n_vectors # z-vectors for the current solutions - initialized in ask(). self._solution_z = None # Learning rates. self.csigma = 2 * self.batch_size / self.solution_dim # c_d,i = 1 / (1.5 ** (i - 1) * n) for i in 1..m = 1 / (1.5**np.arange(self.n_vectors) * self.solution_dim) # c_c,i = lambda / 4 ** (i - 1) * n for i in 1..m = self.batch_size / (4.0**np.arange(self.n_vectors) * self.solution_dim) assert == (self.n_vectors,) assert == (self.n_vectors,) # Strategy-specific params -> initialized in reset(). self.current_gens = None self.mean = None self.sigma = None = None self.m = None
[docs] def reset(self, x0): self.current_gens = 0 self.sigma = self.sigma0 self.mean = np.array(x0, self.dtype) # Setup evolution path variables. = np.zeros(self.solution_dim, dtype=self.dtype) # Setup the matrix vectors. self.m = np.zeros((self.n_vectors, self.solution_dim))
[docs] def check_stop(self, ranking_values): # Sigma too small - Note: this was 1e-20 in the reference LM-MA-ES code. if self.sigma < 1e-12: return True # NOTE: We use norm here because we may have multiple ranking values. if (len(ranking_values) >= 2 and np.linalg.norm(ranking_values[0] - ranking_values[-1]) < 1e-12): return True return False
@staticmethod @nb.jit(nopython=True) def _transform_and_check_sol(z, itrs, cd, m, mean, sigma, lower_bounds, upper_bounds): """Numba helper for transforming parameters to the solution space. Numba is important here since we may be resampling multiple times. """ d = z for j in range(itrs): d = ((1 - cd[j]) * d # (_, n) + ( cd[j] * np.expand_dims(m[j], axis=0) * # (1, n) (np.expand_dims(m[j], axis=1).T @ d.T).T # (_, 1) ) # (_, n) ) new_solutions = np.expand_dims(mean, axis=0) + sigma * d out_of_bounds = np.logical_or( new_solutions < np.expand_dims(lower_bounds, axis=0), new_solutions > np.expand_dims(upper_bounds, axis=0), ) return new_solutions, out_of_bounds
[docs] def ask(self, batch_size=None): # NOTE: The LM-MA-ES uses mirror sampling by default, but we do not. if batch_size is None: batch_size = self.batch_size self._solutions = np.empty((batch_size, self.solution_dim), dtype=self.dtype) self._solution_z = np.empty((batch_size, self.solution_dim), dtype=self.dtype) # Resampling method for bound constraints -> sample new solutions until # all solutions are within bounds. remaining_indices = np.arange(batch_size) sampling_itrs = 0 while len(remaining_indices) > 0: z = self._rng.standard_normal( (len(remaining_indices), self.solution_dim)) # (_, n) self._solution_z[remaining_indices] = z new_solutions, out_of_bounds = self._transform_and_check_sol( z, min(self.current_gens, self.n_vectors),, self.m, self.mean, self.sigma, self.lower_bounds, self.upper_bounds) self._solutions[remaining_indices] = new_solutions # Find indices in remaining_indices that are still out of bounds # (out_of_bounds indicates whether each value in each solution is # out of bounds). remaining_indices = remaining_indices[np.any(out_of_bounds, axis=1)] # Warn if we have resampled too many times. sampling_itrs += 1 if sampling_itrs > BOUNDS_SAMPLING_THRESHOLD: warnings.warn(BOUNDS_WARNING) return readonly(self._solutions)
@staticmethod @nb.jit(nopython=True) def _calc_strat_params(num_parents): """Calculates weights, mueff, and learning rates for LM-MA-ES.""" # Create fresh weights for the number of parents found. weights = (np.log(num_parents + 0.5) - np.log(np.arange(1, num_parents + 1))) total_weights = np.sum(weights) weights = weights / total_weights # The weights should sum to 1 for mueff. mueff = np.sum(weights)**2 / np.sum(weights**2) return weights, mueff
[docs] def tell(self, ranking_indices, ranking_values, num_parents): self.current_gens += 1 if num_parents == 0: return weights, mueff = self._calc_strat_params(num_parents) parents = self._solutions[ranking_indices][:num_parents] z_parents = self._solution_z[ranking_indices][:num_parents] z_mean = np.sum(weights[:, None] * z_parents, axis=0) # Recombination of the new mean - equivalent to line 12 in Algorithm 1 # of Loschilov 2018 because weights sum to 1. self.mean = np.sum(weights[:, None] * parents, axis=0) # Update path for CSA. = ((1 - self.csigma) * + np.sqrt(mueff * self.csigma * (2 - self.csigma)) * z_mean) # Update low-rank matrix representation. self.m = ((1 -[:, None]) * self.m + np.sqrt(mueff *[:, None] * (2 -[:, None])) * z_mean[None]) # Update sigma. Note that CMA-ES offers a more complicated update rule. self.sigma *= np.exp(self.csigma / 2 * (np.sum(**2) / self.solution_dim - 1))