Source code for ribs.emitters.opt._pycma_es

"""ES that wraps pycma."""
import numpy as np
from threadpoolctl import threadpool_limits

from ribs._utils import readonly
from ribs.emitters.opt._evolution_strategy_base import EvolutionStrategyBase

[docs]class PyCMAEvolutionStrategy(EvolutionStrategyBase): """Wrapper around the pycma :class:`~cma.evolution_strategy.CMAEvolutionStrategy`. Args: sigma0 (float): Initial step size. batch_size (int or str): Number of solutions to evaluate at a time. This is passed directly as ``popsize`` in ``opts``. solution_dim (int): Size of the solution space. seed (int): Seed for the random number generator. dtype (str or data-type): Data type of solutions. lower_bounds (float or np.ndarray): scalar or (solution_dim,) array indicating lower bounds of the solution space. Scalars specify the same bound for the entire space, while arrays specify a bound for each dimension. Pass -np.inf in the array or scalar to indicated unbounded space. upper_bounds (float or np.ndarray): Same as above, but for upper bounds (and pass np.inf instead of -np.inf). opts (dict): Additional options for pycma. Note that ``popsize``, ``bounds``, ``randn``, and ``seed`` are overwritten by us and thus should not be provided in this dict. We also make ``verbose`` default to -9, but you can also pass in a custom value here. """ def __init__( # pylint: disable = super-init-not-called self, sigma0, solution_dim, batch_size=None, seed=None, dtype=np.float64, lower_bounds=None, upper_bounds=None, opts=None): self.sigma0 = sigma0 self.solution_dim = solution_dim self.dtype = dtype self._solutions = None self._es = None self._opts = opts or {} self._opts["popsize"] = batch_size self._opts["bounds"] = [lower_bounds, upper_bounds] # Default CMAEvolutionStrategy uses global seed. To avoid this, we must # provide a randn function tied to our rng -- see: # self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self._opts["randn"] = lambda batch_size, n: self._rng.standard_normal( (batch_size, n)) self._opts["seed"] = np.nan self._opts.setdefault("verbose", -9) @property def batch_size(self): """int: Number of solutions per iteration. Only valid after a call to :meth:`reset`. """ return self._es.popsize
[docs] def reset(self, x0): """Resets the optimizer to start at x0. Args: x0 (np.ndarray): Initial mean. """ try: # We do not want to import at the top because that would require cma # to always be installed, as cma would be imported whenever this # class is imported. # pylint: disable = import-outside-toplevel import cma except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "pycma must be installed -- please run " "`pip install ribs[pycma]` or `pip install cma`") from e self._es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(x0, self.sigma0, self._opts)
[docs] def check_stop(self, ranking_values): """Checks if the optimization should stop and be reset. Args: ranking_values (np.ndarray): Not used. Returns: Output of cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy.stop """ # Convert (batch_size, 1) array into (batch_size,). if ranking_values.ndim == 2 and ranking_values.shape[1] == 1: ranking_values = ranking_values[:, 0] # If ranking_values are scalar, we use pycma's termination criterion # directly. if ranking_values.ndim == 1: return self._es.stop() # Otherwise, we check our own criteria like in CMAEvolutionStrategy, # since the objectives passed into tell() were fictitious and thus we # need to check ranking_values on our own. # Tolerances from pycma CMA-ES. if self._es.condition_number > 1e14: return True # Area of distribution too small. area = self._es.sigma * np.sqrt(np.max( if area < 1e-11: return True # Fitness is too flat (only applies if there are at least 2 parents). # NOTE: We use norm here because we may have multiple ranking values. if (len(ranking_values) >= 2 and np.linalg.norm(ranking_values[0] - ranking_values[-1]) < 1e-12): return True return False
# Limit OpenBLAS to single thread. This is typically faster than # multithreading because our data is too small.
[docs] @threadpool_limits.wrap(limits=1, user_api="blas") def ask(self, batch_size=None): """Samples new solutions from the Gaussian distribution. Args: batch_size (int): batch size of the sample. Defaults to ``self.batch_size``. """ # batch_size defaults to popsize in CMA-ES. self._solutions = np.asarray(self._es.ask(batch_size)) return readonly(self._solutions.astype(self.dtype))
# Limit OpenBLAS to single thread. This is typically faster than # multithreading because our data is too small.
[docs] @threadpool_limits.wrap(limits=1, user_api="blas") def tell(self, ranking_indices, ranking_values, num_parents): # Convert (batch_size, 1) array into (batch_size,). if ranking_values.ndim == 2 and ranking_values.shape[1] == 1: ranking_values = ranking_values[:, 0] if ranking_values.ndim == 1: # Directly tell values to ES since these are just 1D. The # ranking_values are presented with higher being better, but CMA-ES # minimizes, so we need to invert all values. self._es.tell(self._solutions, -ranking_values) else: # This case is when ranking_values is 2D. In this case, we cannot # tell the values to the ES because the ES expects scalars. Thus, we # make up our own scalars, which is fine because CMA-ES only looks # at the ranks of the solutions during search. However, it does look # at values in the termination criterion, hence we use custom # conditions in check_stop. self._es.tell(self._solutions[ranking_indices], np.arange(len(ranking_indices)))