Source code for ribs.emitters._emitter_base

"""Provides EmitterBase."""
from abc import ABC

import numpy as np

[docs]class EmitterBase(ABC): """Base class for emitters. Every emitter has an :meth:`ask` method that generates a batch of solutions, and a :meth:`tell` method that inserts solutions into the emitter's archive. Child classes are only required to override :meth:`ask`. DQD emitters should override :meth:`ask_dqd` and :meth:`tell_dqd` methods. Args: archive (ribs.archives.ArchiveBase): An archive to use when creating and inserting solutions. For instance, this can be :class:`ribs.archives.GridArchive`. solution_dim (int): The dimension of solutions produced by this emitter. bounds (None or array-like): Bounds of the solution space. Pass None to indicate there are no bounds. Alternatively, pass an array-like to specify the bounds for each dim. Each element in this array-like can be None to indicate no bound, or a tuple of ``(lower_bound, upper_bound)``, where ``lower_bound`` or ``upper_bound`` may be None to indicate no bound. Unbounded upper bounds are set to +inf, and unbounded lower bounds are set to -inf. """ def __init__(self, archive, *, solution_dim, bounds): self._archive = archive self._solution_dim = solution_dim (self._lower_bounds, self._upper_bounds) = self._process_bounds(bounds, self._solution_dim, archive.dtypes["measures"]) @staticmethod def _process_bounds(bounds, solution_dim, dtype): """Processes the input bounds. Returns: tuple: Two arrays containing all the lower bounds and all the upper bounds. Raises: ValueError: There is an error in the bounds configuration. """ lower_bounds = np.full(solution_dim, -np.inf, dtype=dtype) upper_bounds = np.full(solution_dim, np.inf, dtype=dtype) if bounds is None: return lower_bounds, upper_bounds # Handle array-like bounds. if len(bounds) != solution_dim: raise ValueError("If it is an array-like, bounds must have the " "same length as x0") for idx, bnd in enumerate(bounds): if bnd is None: continue # Bounds already default to -inf and inf. if len(bnd) != 2: raise ValueError("All entries of bounds must be length 2") lower_bounds[idx] = -np.inf if bnd[0] is None else bnd[0] upper_bounds[idx] = np.inf if bnd[1] is None else bnd[1] return lower_bounds, upper_bounds @property def archive(self): """ribs.archives.ArchiveBase: The archive which stores solutions generated by this emitter.""" return self._archive @property def solution_dim(self): """int: The dimension of solutions produced by this emitter.""" return self._solution_dim @property def lower_bounds(self): """numpy.ndarray: ``(solution_dim,)`` array with lower bounds of solution space. For instance, ``[-1, -1, -1]`` indicates that every dimension of the solution space has a lower bound of -1. """ return self._lower_bounds @property def upper_bounds(self): """numpy.ndarray: ``(solution_dim,)`` array with upper bounds of solution space. For instance, ``[1, 1, 1]`` indicates that every dimension of the solution space has an upper bound of 1. """ return self._upper_bounds
[docs] def ask(self): """Generates a ``(batch_size, solution_dim)`` array of solutions. Returns an empty array by default. """ return np.empty((0, self.solution_dim), dtype=self.archive.dtypes["solution"])
[docs] def tell(self, solution, objective, measures, add_info, **fields): """Gives the emitter results from evaluating solutions. This base class implementation (in :class:`~ribs.emitters.EmitterBase`) needs to be overriden. Args: solution (numpy.ndarray): Array of solutions generated by this emitter's :meth:`ask()` method. objective (numpy.ndarray): 1D array containing the objective function value of each solution. measures (numpy.ndarray): ``(n, <measure space dimension>)`` array with the measure space coordinates of each solution. add_info (dict): Data returned from the archive :meth:`~ribs.archives.ArchiveBase.add` method. fields (keyword arguments): Additional data for each solution. Each argument should be an array with batch_size as the first dimension. """
[docs] def ask_dqd(self): """Generates a ``(batch_size, solution_dim)`` array of solutions for which gradient information must be computed. This method only needs to be implemented by emitters used in DQD. The method returns an empty array by default. """ return np.empty((0, self.solution_dim), dtype=self.archive.dtypes["solution"])
[docs] def tell_dqd(self, solution, objective, measures, jacobian, add_info, **fields): """Gives the emitter results from evaluating the gradient of the solutions, only used for DQD emitters. Args: solution (numpy.ndarray): ``(batch_size, :attr:`solution_dim`)`` array of solutions generated by this emitter's :meth:`ask()` method. objective (numpy.ndarray): 1-dimensional array containing the objective function value of each solution. measures (numpy.ndarray): ``(batch_size, measure space dimension)`` array with the measure space coordinates of each solution. jacobian (numpy.ndarray): ``(batch_size, 1 + measure_dim, solution_dim)`` array consisting of Jacobian matrices of the solutions obtained from :meth:`ask_dqd`. Each matrix should consist of the objective gradient of the solution followed by the measure gradients. add_info (dict): Data returned from the archive :meth:`~ribs.archives.ArchiveBase.add` method. fields (keyword arguments): Additional data for each solution. Each argument should be an array with batch_size as the first dimension. """