Source code for ribs.emitters._iso_line_emitter

"""Provides the IsoLineEmitter."""
import numpy as np

from ribs._utils import check_batch_shape, check_shape
from ribs.emitters._emitter_base import EmitterBase
from ribs.emitters.operators import IsoLineOperator

[docs]class IsoLineEmitter(EmitterBase): """Emits solutions that are nudged towards other archive solutions. If the archive is empty and ``self._initial_solutions`` is set, a call to :meth:`ask` will return ``self._initial_solutions``. If ``self._initial_solutions`` is not set, we draw solutions from an isotropic Gaussian distribution centered at ``self.x0`` with standard deviation ``self.iso_sigma``. Otherwise, to generate each new solution, the emitter selects a pair of elites :math:`x_i` and :math:`x_j` and samples from .. math:: x_i + \\sigma_{iso} \\mathcal{N}(0,\\mathcal{I}) + \\sigma_{line}(x_j - x_i)\\mathcal{N}(0,1) This emitter is based on the Iso+LineDD operator presented in `Vassiliades 2018 <>`_. Args: archive (ribs.archives.ArchiveBase): An archive to use when creating and inserting solutions. For instance, this can be :class:`ribs.archives.GridArchive`. iso_sigma (float): Scale factor for the isotropic distribution used to generate solutions. line_sigma (float): Scale factor for the line distribution used when generating solutions. x0 (array-like): Center of the Gaussian distribution from which to sample solutions when the archive is empty. Must be 1-dimensional. This argument is ignored if ``initial_solutions`` is set. initial_solutions (array-like): An (n, solution_dim) array of solutions to be used when the archive is empty. If this argument is None, then solutions will be sampled from a Gaussian distribution centered at ``x0`` with standard deviation ``iso_sigma``. bounds (None or array-like): Bounds of the solution space. Solutions are clipped to these bounds. Pass None to indicate there are no bounds. Alternatively, pass an array-like to specify the bounds for each dim. Each element in this array-like can be None to indicate no bound, or a tuple of ``(lower_bound, upper_bound)``, where ``lower_bound`` or ``upper_bound`` may be None to indicate no bound. batch_size (int): Number of solutions to return in :meth:`ask`. seed (int): Value to seed the random number generator. Set to None to avoid a fixed seed. Raises: ValueError: There is an error in x0 or initial_solutions. ValueError: There is an error in the bounds configuration. """ def __init__(self, archive, *, iso_sigma=0.01, line_sigma=0.2, x0=None, initial_solutions=None, bounds=None, batch_size=64, seed=None): self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self._batch_size = batch_size self._iso_sigma = archive.dtype(iso_sigma) self._line_sigma = archive.dtype(line_sigma) self._x0 = None self._initial_solutions = None if x0 is None and initial_solutions is None: raise ValueError("Either x0 or initial_solutions must be provided.") if x0 is not None and initial_solutions is not None: raise ValueError( "x0 and initial_solutions cannot both be provided.") if x0 is not None: self._x0 = np.array(x0, dtype=archive.dtype) check_shape(self._x0, "x0", archive.solution_dim, "archive.solution_dim") elif initial_solutions is not None: self._initial_solutions = np.asarray(initial_solutions, dtype=archive.dtype) check_batch_shape(self._initial_solutions, "initial_solutions", archive.solution_dim, "archive.solution_dim") EmitterBase.__init__( self, archive, solution_dim=archive.solution_dim, bounds=bounds, ) self._operator = IsoLineOperator(line_sigma=self._line_sigma, iso_sigma=self._iso_sigma, lower_bounds=self._lower_bounds, upper_bounds=self._upper_bounds, seed=seed) @property def x0(self): """numpy.ndarray: Center of the Gaussian distribution from which to sample solutions when the archive is empty (if initial_solutions is not set).""" return self._x0 @property def initial_solutions(self): """numpy.ndarray: The initial solutions which are returned when the archive is empty (if x0 is not set).""" return self._initial_solutions @property def iso_sigma(self): """float: Scale factor for the isotropic distribution used to generate solutions when the archive is not empty.""" return self._iso_sigma @property def line_sigma(self): """float: Scale factor for the line distribution used when generating solutions.""" return self._line_sigma @property def batch_size(self): """int: Number of solutions to return in :meth:`ask`.""" return self._batch_size
[docs] def ask(self): """Generates ``batch_size`` solutions. If the archive is empty and ``self._initial_solutions`` is set, we return ``self._initial_solutions``. If ``self._initial_solutions`` is not set, we draw solutions from an isotropic Gaussian distribution centered at ``self.x0`` with standard deviation ``self.iso_sigma``. Otherwise, each solution is drawn from a distribution centered at a randomly chosen elite with standard deviation ``self.iso_sigma``. Returns: If the archive is not empty, ``(batch_size, solution_dim)`` array -- contains ``batch_size`` new solutions to evaluate. If the archive is empty, we return ``self._initial_solutions``, which might not have ``batch_size`` solutions. """ if self.archive.empty and self._initial_solutions is not None: return np.clip(self._initial_solutions, self.lower_bounds, self.upper_bounds) if self.archive.empty: parents = np.repeat(self.x0[None], repeats=2 * self._batch_size, axis=0) else: parents = self.archive.sample_elites(2 * self._batch_size)["solution"] return self._operator.ask( parents=parents.reshape(2, self._batch_size, -1))