Source code for ribs.emitters._gradient_arborescence_emitter

"""Provides the GradientArborescenceEmitter."""
import numbers

import numpy as np

from ribs._utils import check_shape, validate_batch
from ribs.emitters._emitter_base import EmitterBase
from ribs.emitters.opt import _get_es, _get_grad_opt
from ribs.emitters.rankers import _get_ranker

[docs]class GradientArborescenceEmitter(EmitterBase): """Generates solutions with a gradient arborescence, with coefficients parameterized by an evolution strategy. This emitter originates in `Fontaine 2021 <>`_. It leverages the gradient information of the objective and measure functions, generating new solutions around a *solution point* :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\theta}` using *gradient arborescence*, with coefficients drawn from a Gaussian distribution. Essentially, this means that the emitter samples coefficients :math:`\\boldsymbol{c_i} \\sim \\mathcal{N}(\\boldsymbol{\\mu}, \\boldsymbol{\\Sigma})` and creates new solutions :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\theta'_i}` according to .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\theta'_i} \\gets \\boldsymbol{\\theta} + c_{i,0} \\boldsymbol{\\nabla} f(\\boldsymbol{\\theta}) + \\sum_{j=1}^k c_{i,j}\\boldsymbol{\\nabla}m_j(\\boldsymbol{\\theta}) Where :math:`k` is the number of measures, and :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\nabla} f(\\boldsymbol{\\theta})` and :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\nabla} m_j(\\boldsymbol{\\theta})` are the objective and measure gradients of the solution point :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\theta}`, respectively. Based on how the solutions are ranked after being inserted into the archive (see ``ranker``), the solution point :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\theta}` is updated with gradient ascent, and the coefficient distribution parameters :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mu}` and :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\Sigma}` are updated with an ES (the default ES is CMA-ES). .. note:: Unlike non-gradient emitters, GradientArborescenceEmitter requires calling :meth:`ask_dqd` and :meth:`tell_dqd` (in this order) before calling :meth:`ask` and :meth:`tell` to communicate the gradient information to the emitter. See Also: Our DQD tutorial goes into detail on how to use this emitter: :doc:`/tutorials/tom_cruise_dqd` Args: archive (ribs.archives.ArchiveBase): An archive to use when creating and inserting solutions. For instance, this can be :class:`ribs.archives.GridArchive`. x0 (np.ndarray): Initial solution. sigma0 (float): Initial step size / standard deviation of the distribution of gradient coefficients. lr (float): Learning rate for the gradient optimizer. ranker (Callable or str): The ranker is a :class:`~ribs.emitters.rankers.RankerBase` object that orders the solutions after they have been evaluated in the environment. This parameter may be a callable (e.g. a class or a lambda function) that takes in no parameters and returns an instance of :class:`~ribs.emitters.rankers.RankerBase`, or it may be a full or abbreviated ranker name as described in :mod:`ribs.emitters.rankers`. selection_rule ("mu" or "filter"): Method for selecting parents in CMA-ES. With "mu" selection, the first half of the solutions will be selected as parents, while in "filter", any solutions that were added to the archive will be selected. restart_rule (int, "no_improvement", and "basic"): Method to use when checking for restarts. If given an integer, then the emitter will restart after this many iterations, where each iteration is a call to :meth:`tell`. With "basic", only the default CMA-ES convergence rules will be used, while with "no_improvement", the emitter will restart when none of the proposed solutions were added to the archive. grad_opt (Callable or str): Gradient optimizer to use for the gradient ascent step of the algorithm. The optimizer is a :class:`~ribs.emitters.opt.GradientOptBase` object. This parameter may be a callable (e.g. a class or a lambda function) which takes in the ``theta0`` and ``lr`` arguments, or it may be a full or abbreviated name as described in :mod:`ribs.emitters.opt`. grad_opt_kwargs (dict): Additional arguments to pass to the gradient optimizer. See the gradient-based optimizers in :mod:`ribs.emitters.opt` for the arguments allowed by each optimizer. Note that we already pass in ``theta0`` and ``lr``. es (Callable or str): The evolution strategy is an :class:`~ribs.emitters.opt.EvolutionStrategyBase` object that is used to adapt the distribution from which new solutions are sampled. This parameter may be a callable (e.g. a class or a lambda function) that takes in the parameters of :class:`~ribs.emitters.opt.EvolutionStrategyBase` along with kwargs provided by the ``es_kwargs`` argument, or it may be a full or abbreviated optimizer name as described in :mod:`ribs.emitters.opt`. es_kwargs (dict): Additional arguments to pass to the evolution strategy optimizer. See the evolution-strategy-based optimizers in :mod:`ribs.emitters.opt` for the arguments allowed by each optimizer. normalize_grad (bool): If true (default), then gradient infomation will be normalized. Otherwise, it will not be normalized. bounds: This argument may be used for providing solution space bounds in the future. This emitter does not currently support solution space bounds, as bounding solutions for DQD algorithms such as CMA-MEGA is an open problem. Hence, this argument must be set to None. batch_size (int): Number of solutions to return in :meth:`ask`. If not passed in, a batch size will be automatically calculated using the default CMA-ES rules. This **does not** account for the **one** solution returned by :meth:`ask_dqd`, which is the solution point maintained by the gradient optimizer. epsilon (float): For numerical stability, we add a small epsilon when normalizing gradients in :meth:`tell_dqd` -- refer to the implementation `here <../_modules/ribs/emitters/_gradient_arborescence_emitter.html#GradientArborescenceEmitter.tell_dqd>`_. Pass this parameter to configure that epsilon. seed (int): Value to seed the random number generator. Set to None to avoid a fixed seed. Raises: ValueError: There is an error in x0 or initial_solutions. ValueError: ``bounds`` is set even though it is not currently supported. ValueError: If ``restart_rule``, ``selection_rule``, or ``ranker`` is invalid. """ def __init__(self, archive, *, x0, sigma0, lr, ranker="2imp", selection_rule="filter", restart_rule="no_improvement", grad_opt="adam", grad_opt_kwargs=None, es="cma_es", es_kwargs=None, normalize_grad=True, bounds=None, batch_size=None, epsilon=1e-8, seed=None): if bounds is not None: raise ValueError( "`bounds` must be set to None. The GradientArborescenceEmitter " "does not currently support solution space bounds, as bounding " "solutions for DQD algorithms such as CMA-MEGA is an open " "problem.") EmitterBase.__init__( self, archive, solution_dim=archive.solution_dim, bounds=bounds, ) seed_sequence = (seed if isinstance(seed, np.random.SeedSequence) else np.random.SeedSequence(seed)) opt_seed, ranker_seed = seed_sequence.spawn(2) self._epsilon = epsilon self._x0 = np.array(x0, dtype=archive.dtype) check_shape(self._x0, "x0", archive.solution_dim, "archive.solution_dim") self._sigma0 = sigma0 self._normalize_grads = normalize_grad self._jacobian_batch = None self._ranker = _get_ranker(ranker, ranker_seed) self._ranker.reset(self, archive) if selection_rule not in ["mu", "filter"]: raise ValueError(f"Invalid selection_rule {selection_rule}") self._selection_rule = selection_rule self._restart_rule = restart_rule self._restarts = 0 self._itrs = 0 # Check if the restart_rule is valid, discard check_restart result. _ = self._check_restart(0) # We have a coefficient for each measure and an extra coefficient for # the objective. self._num_coefficients = archive.measure_dim + 1 # Initialize gradient optimizer. self._grad_opt = _get_grad_opt( grad_opt, theta0=self._x0, lr=lr, **(grad_opt_kwargs if grad_opt_kwargs is not None else {})) self._opt = _get_es( es, sigma0=sigma0, batch_size=batch_size, solution_dim=self._num_coefficients, seed=opt_seed, dtype=self.archive.dtype, lower_bounds=-np.inf, # No bounds for gradient coefficients. upper_bounds=np.inf, **(es_kwargs if es_kwargs is not None else {}), ) self._opt.reset(np.zeros(self._num_coefficients)) self._batch_size = self._opt.batch_size self._itrs = 0 @property def x0(self): """numpy.ndarray: Initial solution for the optimizer.""" return self._x0 @property def batch_size(self): """int: Number of solutions to return in :meth:`ask`.""" return self._batch_size @property def batch_size_dqd(self): """int: Number of solutions to return in :meth:`ask_dqd`. This is always 1, as we only return the solution point in :meth:`ask_dqd`. """ return 1 @property def restarts(self): """int: The number of restarts for this emitter.""" return self._restarts @property def itrs(self): """int: The number of iterations for this emitter.""" return self._itrs @property def epsilon(self): """int: The epsilon added for numerical stability when normalizing gradients in :meth:`tell_dqd`.""" return self._epsilon
[docs] def ask_dqd(self): """Samples a new solution from the gradient optimizer. **Call :meth:`ask_dqd` and :meth:`tell_dqd` (in this order) before calling :meth:`ask` and :meth:`tell`.** Returns: a new solution to evaluate. """ return self._grad_opt.theta[None]
[docs] def ask(self): """Samples new solutions from a gradient arborescence parameterized by a multivariate Gaussian distribution. The multivariate Gaussian is parameterized by the evolution strategy optimizer ``self._opt``. This method returns ``batch_size`` solutions, even though one solution is returned via ``ask_dqd``. Returns: (:attr:`batch_size`, :attr:`solution_dim`) array -- a batch of new solutions to evaluate. Raises: RuntimeError: This method was called without first passing gradients with calls to ask_dqd() and tell_dqd(). """ if self._jacobian_batch is None: raise RuntimeError("Please call ask_dqd() and tell_dqd() " "before calling ask().") grad_coeffs = self._opt.ask()[:, :, None] return (self._grad_opt.theta + np.sum(self._jacobian_batch * grad_coeffs, axis=1))
def _check_restart(self, num_parents): """Emitter-side checks for restarting the optimizer. The optimizer also has its own checks. Args: num_parents (int): The number of solution to propagate to the next generation from the solutions generated by CMA-ES. Raises: ValueError: If :attr:`restart_rule` is invalid. """ if isinstance(self._restart_rule, numbers.Integral): return self._itrs % self._restart_rule == 0 if self._restart_rule == "no_improvement": return num_parents == 0 if self._restart_rule == "basic": return False raise ValueError(f"Invalid restart_rule {self._restart_rule}")
[docs] def tell_dqd(self, solution, objective, measures, jacobian, add_info, **fields): """Gives the emitter results from evaluating the gradient of the solutions. Args: solution (array-like): (batch_size, :attr:`solution_dim`) array of solutions generated by this emitter's :meth:`ask()` method. objective (array-like): 1D array containing the objective function value of each solution. measures (array-like): (batch_size, measure space dimension) array with the measure space coordinates of each solution. jacobian (array-like): (batch_size, 1 + measure_dim, solution_dim) array consisting of Jacobian matrices of the solutions obtained from :meth:`ask_dqd`. Each matrix should consist of the objective gradient of the solution followed by the measure gradients. add_info (dict): Data returned from the archive :meth:`~ribs.archives.ArchiveBase.add` method. fields (keyword arguments): Additional data for each solution. Each argument should be an array with batch_size as the first dimension. """ data, add_info, jacobian = validate_batch( # pylint: disable = unused-variable self.archive, { "solution": solution, "objective": objective, "measures": measures, **fields, }, add_info, jacobian, ) if self._normalize_grads: norms = (np.linalg.norm(jacobian, axis=2, keepdims=True) + self._epsilon) jacobian /= norms self._jacobian_batch = jacobian
[docs] def tell(self, solution, objective, measures, add_info, **fields): """Gives the emitter results from evaluating solutions. The solutions are ranked based on the `rank()` function defined by `self._ranker`. Args: solution (array-like): (batch_size, :attr:`solution_dim`) array of solutions generated by this emitter's :meth:`ask()` method. objective (array-like): 1D array containing the objective function value of each solution. measures (array-like): (batch_size, measure space dimension) array with the measure space coordinates of each solution. add_info (dict): Data returned from the archive :meth:`~ribs.archives.ArchiveBase.add` method. fields (keyword arguments): Additional data for each solution. Each argument should be an array with batch_size as the first dimension. Raises: RuntimeError: This method was called without first passing gradients with calls to ask_dqd() and tell_dqd(). """ data, add_info = validate_batch( self.archive, { "solution": solution, "objective": objective, "measures": measures, **fields, }, add_info, ) if self._jacobian_batch is None: raise RuntimeError("Please call ask_dqd(), tell_dqd(), and ask() " "before calling tell().") # Increase iteration counter. self._itrs += 1 # Count number of new solutions. new_sols = add_info["status"].astype(bool).sum() # Sort the solutions using ranker. indices, ranking_values = self._ranker.rank(self, self.archive, data, add_info) # Select the number of parents. num_parents = (new_sols if self._selection_rule == "filter" else self._batch_size // 2) # Update Evolution Strategy. self._opt.tell(indices, ranking_values, num_parents) # Calculate a new mean in solution space. These weights are from CMA-ES. parents = data["solution"][indices] parents = parents[:num_parents] weights = (np.log(num_parents + 0.5) - np.log(np.arange(1, num_parents + 1))) weights = weights / np.sum(weights) # Normalize weights new_mean = np.sum(parents * np.expand_dims(weights, axis=1), axis=0) # Use the mean to calculate a gradient step and step the optimizer. gradient_step = new_mean - self._grad_opt.theta self._grad_opt.step(gradient_step) # Check for reset. if (self._opt.check_stop(ranking_values[indices]) or self._check_restart(new_sols)): new_coeff = self.archive.sample_elites(1)["solution"][0] self._grad_opt.reset(new_coeff) self._opt.reset(np.zeros(self._num_coefficients)) self._ranker.reset(self, self.archive) self._restarts += 1